Infrastructure | highway and transit projects
Educational and cultural buildings
Residential | houses and housing
Acknowledgements and architectural credits
Writers almost always list those they wish to thank. Filmmakers have a list of credits acknowledging everyone who has participated in the making of a film. Architects are often not so quick to acknowledge those without whom their projects could not have been realized. Here is a list of bosses, employees, colleagues and clients who have either explicitly or implicitly, sometimes unwittingly, helped me on my way. It is a partial list and probably deficient in failing to note many of the engineers and contractors who, in one way or another, have been key actors in translating concept to reality - and in teaching me how things are done.
Christopher Agosta, Salah Ajarma, Nidal Al-Azraq, Mohammed Al-Azzeh, Vivek Agrawal, Zahra Andalsi, Tom Anyamba, Juan Antonio Arroyo Flores, Hiroshi Asano, Rebecca Barnes, David Bernstein, Gail Boyajian, Brian Brenner, Jeff Brunetti, Carol Burns, David Burson, Yasmin Byron, Neelkanth Chhaya, Lee Yuan Chia, Tom Chung, Tom Clasby, Gary Cohen, Justin Crane, Bruce Creager, Deneen Crosby, Curtis Davis, Ellen DeNooyer, Antonio DiMambro, Rick Dimino, Mehraz Ehsani, Robert Fizek, Peter Floyd, Katie Flynn, Wendy Frontiero, Harry Fuller, Mr. Gama, Beatriz Gomez Muakad, Michelle Gottlieb, Fred Gordon, Matthew Goulcher, Robin Guenther, David Hanitchak, Bob Hsiung, Richard Hughes, Carol Johnson, Arthur Johnston, David Johnston, Kap Kapolka, Richard Keleher, Katie Kemen, Mark Kelley, Bill Kennedy, Don Kindsvatter, Stephen Lacker, Tony Lancelotti, Kyle Larrabee, David Lee, Ellen Leopold, Norman Leventhal, David Levitt, Paul Lipke, Andres Lozano Herruzo, Jim May, Doug McCallum, Keilen McHugh, Tony McLaughlin, Gerry Meehan, John Messervy, Margaret Murray, David Myers, David Neilson, Julius Njunu, Julia Nugent, Bob O'Brien, Imre Olajos, Tim Oldfield, Paul Oliver, Kiran Pandya, Pedro Pazos, Miguel Angel Peña, Eric Pfeufer, Deborah Poodry, Paul Puciata, Bill Ravanesi, Don Reed, Noah Reznick, Preston Richardson, Wendy Riggs-Smith, Deborah Rivers, Pedro Rosco, Sarah Roszler, Bahman Tavacoli, Andrew Scott, KK See-Tho, Ed Sidmon, Skip Smallridge, Bridget Smyth, Winne Stopps, Don Stull, Yunus Tasci, Bahman Tavacoli, Bill Taylor, Kurula Varkey, Gretchen von Grossman, Derek Waldman, David Wallace, Chris Walters, Jane Weinzapfel, Michael Wigginton, Willie Wong, Ilhan Zeybekoglu...and more.