A day in the life at a Palestinian community center
The occupation of the center in the Aida refugee camp in the West Bank by Israeli troops was just the latest disruption for the Palestinian workers. But it was eye-opening for me.
Sombra en la Plaza
Montánchez, un pequeño pueblo de Extremadura, España, ha gastado 100.000 euros en un dosel de sombra en la plaza principal que compromete la belleza arquitectónica del lugar. Pero más allá de la arquitectura y el diseño urbano hay otras cuestiones en juego que afectan directamente al futuro de este pueblo con una población en descenso.
Shade on the Plaza
Montánchez, a small village in Extremadura, Spain, has spent €100,000 on a shade canopy in the main plaza that compromises the architectural beauty of the place. But beyond architecture and urban design there are other issues at stake that directly affect the future of the village with a declining population.
Naboth’s Vineyard
What happens when you take someone else’s land by subterfuge - in blank verse.
Máquinas en el Jardín
Aprovechar el viento para producir energía sin duda moderará el daño ambiental y social que se desarrolla a nuestro alrededor. Pero, ¿a qué costo para las economías y ecologías rurales? https://placesjournal.org/article/maquinas-en-el-jardin/
Calle Doctor Fleming
Dr. Alexander Fleming, the ‘inventor’ of penicillin, is commemorated in streets and statues in Spain. Why?
Resisting Dispossession
A day on the front line with young Palestinians singing, dancing, picnicking, resisting armed settlers and the Israeli occupying forces.
Should Miami be evacuated?
Waterfront properties in Miami on June 3, 2014. JOE RAEDLE/GETTY IMAGES - an ongoing debate about how to save a watefront city from inundation.
God’s way of teaching…
Wörgl, Austria invented its own currency to combat lack of investment, unemployment and economic stagnation. A short-lived success shut down by the authorities.