Zahrat Al-Yasmeen Kindergarten
The Zahrat Al-Yasmeen kindergarten is located in the Lajee Center at the entrance to the Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem Palestine. Space was found in the lower level garages in an existing building to accommodate two classes of 25 children each. From an initial sketch in November 2018 a program was developed in 2019 and the school opened in August 2020.
Design principles (from the school mission statement):
“The design of the kindergarten will create a physically and psychologically safe and secure environment, open to nature. Classrooms will be bright and colorful, and spatially flexible to support dialog between teachers and students singly or in groups. The classrooms will be open to fresh air and natural light as much as possible, with close proximity to generous outdoor play space.”
Construction was undertaken with direct labor and throughout the Covid-19 crisis, the great majority of the workers coming from the refugee camp. For a fuller story please refer to my article “Dear Yasmeen” in Places Journal. We continue to build, and continue to expand and reinforce the teaching staff. The first graduation day of the 5 year olds took place in June 2022, an immense accomplishment and a great joy to the parents and children, and the teachers, who live every day under an aggressive occupation. This is an example of architecture playing a modest role in upholding an enlightened and creative educational program in the midst of dangerous and oppressive circumstances.
Since the Fall of 2023 a local team has taken on the design and construction of a third classroom. Rowayd Alazzeh (engineer, from Aida Camp), Ameera Asad (architect, from Deheisheh Camp) and Mejd Azzeh (project manager, from Aida Camp). This team of young graduates taking on new responsibilities exemplifies the philosophy of the Lajee Center which supports young people in finding their own agency. In 2024 Katie Flynn of Hisel Flynn Architects in Lexington and Sarah Dunbar of Neighbor Architects in Cambridge have joined the design team working on programs in the main building and the play yard respectively. Here is a video of our September 2024 team report Building Under Occupation. Anybody reading this is encouraged to contribute to this fabulous project.

Original sketch November 2018

Construction documents June 2020

Construction July 2020

Construction 2020

Classroom 2 September 2021

Cooking April 2022

Classroom 1 June 2022

Dressing up, June 2022

Circus program June 2022

Graduation Day June 11, 2022